At SIPP Advice, we aim to provide valuable insights and education to help our readers make smart financial decisions. If you are a certified financial professional with expertise to share, or an established finance blogger or fintech professional, we welcome guest post submissions.

Write For Us – Finance

Two write for us about finance, please read our guest post guidelines below in full before submitting your guest post.


  • Suggested topics should relate to personal finance, investing, retirement planning, tax strategies, insurance, property, small business finance, fintech trends, or other relevant money matters.
  • Posts must contain factual, researched financial information and advice.
  • Articles should be 1,000-2,000 words, and original content that has not been published elsewhere online. Reference sources should be cited properly.
  • The tone should be authoritative yet accessible for our general audience of personal finance readers. Avoid complex jargon unless terms are clearly defined.
  • Include your brief professional bio (1-2 sentences) with credentials and a link to your professional website.
    We accept submissions from CFPs, CFAs, CPAs, financial advisors, investment professionals, finance bloggers, and others with verifiable financial expertise.
  • Our editorial team will review submissions for approval. We reserve the right to reject or request revisions to any guest posts.
  • For each published guest post, we provide a byline with your name, bio link, and one backlink within the content.
  • We also charge a small administration fee for each post.
  • To submit a guest post pitch, please email with your name, credentials, proposed topic, an outline, and examples of any previously published finance writing samples. We appreciate your interest in contributing!

Other ‘write for us’ opportunities: write for us home decor.